William Henry
William invites you on board a ship bound for higher consciousness. Get access to three videos from his first Starwalkers Conference. Over 6 hours of video.
Three videos - over 6 hours!
Purchase this package of three videos and you will get instant access. You can watch or listen from any Internet connected device. Details of each lecture is below. Three videos, over six hours of content by William Henry. Unlimited views.
▶️Starwalker Legacy, ▶️Egypt and the Starwalkers and ▶️The Ship of the Starwalkers.
More live events are on the way.
Since the beginning of civilization, people have believed that beings from elsewhere in the universe have been on earth. They come from the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, Arcturus, Cassiopeia, and beyond.
In 16+ seasons as co-producer and presenter on the global hit History Channel show, ANCIENT ALIENS, William has documented the world worldwide belief in extraterrestrial involvement in ancient human affairs and their role in our current human experience.
We are now on an unprecedented astronomical growth curve when it comes to extraterrestrials.
Typically, the visitors are broadly classified into flesh and blood beings or robots / technology. In both cases, their craft are nuts and bolts. There is no question that they exist. The U.S. government has at least one such craft and the non-human 'biological matter' from its pilots. As Avi Loeb recently stated, it is doubtful that biological beings could survive the trek across light years of space. They are probably A.I. Some even claim they are projections from another reality, an alternate universe. They can fly across light years and fly underwater. But how? The solution is part engineering and physics, part something else.
For over 20 years, William Henry has led a quest for the secrets of a third category of beings — the Starwalkers — who travel via portals, wormholes and beaming and their spiritual technology that could advance humanity light years ahead within the next 10 years.
Now is the time to recover their teachings.
Today, we exist between worlds. Not only are we in a moment of Disclosure and Revelation, but we are also at a nexus between flesh and blood and A.I. We are blurring the lines between humans and the digital sphere and are on the threshold of moving into higher consciousness and reality, which will change the course of humanity. There’s even talk of humans dropping their physical bodies completely and living as avatars in an online simulated reality. Is this our future? Have we always lived in a simulation? If proven true, will this advance humanity?
A choice confronts us.
Must we become A.I.? Or, is there another way lost to history?
Starwalkers examines this choice and seeks a higher, hidden, way documented in cultures around the world.
This is the Way of the Starwalkers…advanced beings who could transform their flesh and blood bodies into light, ‘beam’ or teleport — ala Star Trek — to another world, and rephase into a flesh and blood body. Such ‘beaming’ is described in the transfiguration mysteries of ancient Egypt, and the Tibetan Rainbow Light Body tradition, which it is claimed, is taught in 13-star systems including our own. Many other cultures worldwide have legends of the Starwalkers who have come to earth to help us evolve and to show us the way to the stars.
Every mound, ziggurat and pyramid has a star-walking story to tell. Most, if not all, mound, pyramid, and ziggurat builders were societies that possessed the body of ancient star lore in its entirety.
They were Starwalkers.
The ancient societies who knew the Starwalkers made a special link with the heavens physically, psychologically, religiously and spiritually. They brought the stars to themselves, other Starwalkers who wanted to walk in a sky world on earth.
In ANCIENT ALIENS, William brought the myth and history of the star people to the audience. His STARWALKERS EVENT SERIES brings the audience to the stars by bringing their thinking about how to get there.
Starwalker : Legacy
I am a Starwalker.
You are a Starwalker.
Behind all myths there is one beautiful message, a timeless truth that mystic traditions point to: our Earthly lives are a preparation for life as Starwalkers, advanced, inter-dimensional beings, who transform the earth and travel the Dimension of the Blessed. The sacred art and science of ascension that unites all the worlds' religions, as well as science and spirituality, was based on the teaching from ascended beings who emerged from the stars and whose teaching resulted in the transfiguration of the initiate into a better human / vessel of light. Even though they sparked the creation of world wide mystery schools, their story and teachings have been lost. Join William Henry for this inspirational journey hurling through the blessed cosmos as we discover the deepest mysteries and lost teachings of the Starwalkers.
Now, more than ever, it feels like we need a boat to help us rise above the raging events, challenges and uncertainties of our time. Some feel tossed about troubled waters.
A boat typically has a destination, indicating purpose and direction. In the context of the Starwalkers, the boat represents the journey toward a deeper and empowering connection with the living universe and contact with the higher self.
William’s aim is to put you on ship bound for higher consciousness. Join him on board this presentation and discover new tools for navigating our voyage of transformation.
Ships are a beautiful image and among the most potent. They symbolize the journey of the soul, spiritual transition, or the path to enlightenment. This is why from ancient Egypt to Buddhism to Christianity the ultimate symbol of the Starwalkers is the Ship of Eternity, the Bark of Salvation or the Ship of the Church. Captained by Orion in Egypt, Quan Yin in Buddhism and Christ in Egypt, the ship bears the soul over the spiritual waters of life.
Today, the ultimate symbol of a ship is a UFO and the wormhole some of them emerge from. As a result of our understanding of these craft a new consciousness is emerging and with it a refuge and a way through to the future. The new consciousness is based on quantum principles of manifestation.
Psychonauts, consciousness mariners, who are the crew of the ship, inhabit the collective space in which we have come together.
Join William Henry for this beautiful voyage of self-discovery.
Egypt and the Starwalkers
During over 20 years of exploration and leading tours in Egypt, William has developed a majestic presentation of the ultimate secrets of the motherland of the Starwalkers. Immerse yourself in the mysteries and wonders of the Ancient Egyptians, from the pyramids to the Serapeum to the Osirion, and their connection to star beings who delivered a cosmic teaching about human transfiguration. Deep within us is a knowing that we are connected to these mysteries. William unveils them with a slide show that pulls you deep into the temples and puts you face to face with an epic story encoded in the imagery that is ultimately about you and your journey. Awaken and activate the greater being within you and a realm of incredible possibility for (y)our world.
Meet William Henry
William Henry is a Nashville-based author, investigative mythologist, art historian, and TV presenter. He is an internationally recognized authority on human spiritual potential, transformation and ascension.
He has a unique ability to incorporate historical, religious, spiritual, scientific, archaeological and other forms of such knowledge into factually-based theories and conclusions that provide the layperson with a more in-depth understanding of the profound shift we are actually experiencing in our lifetime.
The spiritual voice and Consulting Producer of the global hit History Channel program, Ancient Aliens, and host of the Gaia TV series The Awakened Soul: The Lost Science of Ascension, and Arcanum, along with his wife, Clare, William Henry is your guide into the transformative sacred science of human ascension.
By bringing to life the ancient stories of ascension through art and gnostic texts, he teaches the secrets of soul transfiguration or metamorphosis and connects people to one another across cultures, time and space.
With over 30 years of research distilled into 18 books and numerous video presentations, William’s work will guide you to next level of human consciousness and our expanding reality.
William’s present work has taken him into the area of transhumanism, which he first began writing about in his 2002 bestseller, Cloak of the Illuminati. His latest book, The Skingularity Is Near: The Next Human, the Perfect Rainbow Light Body and the Technology of Human Transcendence is a primer and a warning for the looming potential transformation of humanity as we speed closer to meshing computer technology with human flesh.
William discusses transhumanism as the fulfillment of an ancient impulse to transcend our human bodies. His work has propelled him into the role of human rights activist and advisor on the biopolitics of human enhancement as he informs audiences of the unparalleled perils and potentials of Artificial Intelligence and Transhumanism.
William leads luxury, ascension-themed tours to sacred sites including Egypt, France, Italy, and England.
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